Data for: Phase equilibria and thermodynamic evaluation of the Fe-Ti-V-O system in air

Published: 1 March 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nvpgs2vjmr.1
Willem Dutoit Malan, Johan Zietsman, Pekka Taskinen, Guven Akdogan


1.) We are including additional SEM-EDS data from the study of "Phase equilibria and thermodynamic evaluation of Fe-Ti-V-O system in air". However, SEM-EDS data did not compare well to reported EPMA data in the manuscript, especially phase data of the Fe-Ti-V-O slag. We believe that the overlapping of V and Ti X-ray emission peaks might have contributed why SEM-EDS data did not compare well to EPMA data. 2.) The data from EPMA were normalized and included in the thermodynamic assessment of Fe-Ti-V-O system in air.



Chemical Engineering, Metallurgy, Vanadium, Phase Diagram, Thermochemistry
