Soil and water conservation

Published: 10 November 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/nvt6kwgvkd.2
Subhabrata Panda


Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) is the branch of science, dealing with the studies on massive soil mass to soil particles and colloidal clay micelle, soil microbial community, soil organic matter, soil nutrients, soil moisture and their uptake by plants, and management of aquatic environment. Moreover, physical, chemical, microbial and biochemical properties of soils and their interactions with climate and hydrological conditions for successful crop cultivation are considered in the studies on SWC. Consequently, SWC deals with the application of methodologies for determining all those vast soil features, from gravimetric methods to applications of nuclear and nanotechnologies, and application of soil and water conservation methods. SWC studies is necessary for planning of the correct management of soil organic matter and soil moisture to diminish soil loss and to simplify the management of problem soils and irrigation water and all necessary cultural practices, and of course involving nature-based solutions including activities of hydrological balance approach for rainwater harvesting, agroforestry, mulching etc. with the aim of achieving the Sustainable Development in food production. In short, Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) is the branch of science necessary for survival of this civilization. Ecosystem management of degraded red and lateritic soil through agroforestry


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Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya


Soil Properties, Soil Hydrology, Permeability, Soil, Water Quality, Water Balance, Climate, Food Production, Soil Health, Agroecosystem, Agriculture Land Use, Flood Control, Climate Change, Water Conservation, Evapotranspiration, Biomass, Ecosystem, Inland Water, Infiltration, Agricultural Management, Climate Change Adaptation, Agroforestry, Agricultural Soil, Soil Conservation, Soil Biology, Crop Production, Economic Analysis of Crop Production, Soil Hydraulic Properties, Mulch Effects on Soil Properties, Anaerobic Organisms in Soil Biology, Saline Soil, Agricultural Water Management, Irrigation Requirement of Crops, Irrigation Water Quality, Drought Management, Soil Water, Soil Moisture Conservation, Crop Water Requirement, Ecosystem Services Management, Potential Evapotranspiration, Village, Rainwater Harvesting, Agricultural Hydrology, Coastal Soil, Climate Change Adaptation Measure, Soil Organic Carbon
