DATASET - Evaluation of post-storm soil stiffness degradation effects on the performance of monopile-supported offshore wind turbines in clay

Published: 11 October 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nvycc8zxbm.1
Bence Kato,


Supplementary Data for the article titled: "Evaluation of post-storm soil stiffness degradation effects on the performance of monopile-supported offshore wind turbines in clay". The post-storm shear strain-G/Gmax pairs at every 6.6 meters along each pile (according to altering red highlights in Fig. 9 a) are available for all 108 monopile-soil combinations simulated for this study. Researchers interested in optimizing their long-term or post-storm p-y curves for 3.6-5MW OWTs in normally consolidated clays may refer to the tabulated values in this database. The value pairs are calculated as follows: the maximum strain in every element in a representative volume (viz. red zone in Fig. 9 a) is fetched and averaged. The G/Gmax value corresponding to each averaged maximum strain is interpolated from the appropriate stiffness degradation curve in Fig. 2. The first Sheet of the excel file contains shear strain data for each of the 108 models. Strains are given for each representative volume (6.6m * 1D hollow-half-cylinder, viz. Fig. 9a) and each wind cycle (N=1..2). The second sheet contains the G/Gmax values corresponding to the shear strain values tabulated in the first sheet. Data headers are self explanatory in the excel file.



Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen, University of Surrey


Geotechnical Engineering, Offshore Engineering, Clay, Stiffness, Strain, Monopile Foundation, Offshore Wind Turbine
