The database comprises information on the impacts of marine plastic waste on the artisanal fishing sector. Data were collected through surveys administered to artisanal fishermen in Ecuador and Peru. The database and its coding are formatted in SPSS.
Steps to reproduce
This is an updated version of the database. In the variable Canton_name we corrected 31 observations that were wrongly named, which correctly adjusted the values for the variables Tot_Plastic_waste2 and ZTot_Plastic_waste2. The code with the name "CODES FOR TABLES" contains the syntax to reproduce each of the tables (not Model results) that appear in the study. At the end, the calculation of fishing income variables is described in the same file (the database already contains these calculated variables). To run the model, each syntax file must be executed one by one. The name of each file indicates which model variables it is executing (execute all syntax). Outcome 1: Natural log of average fishing income 2021-2022 Outcome 2: If a fisherman makes less than the minimum salary Outcome 3: If well-being better or equal to neighbors. It is not necessary to run the "VARIABLE IMPUTATION PROCESS" file, as the database already includes the results of this process. The "VARIABLE IMPUTATION PROCESS" file is provided solely for transparency.
University of Exeter
T1 ref: 115331