Original Data: Hydrogel-mediated co-transplantation of retinal pigmented epithelium and photoreceptors restores vision in an animal model of advanced retinal degeneration
Published: 30 July 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nxdwvpyxx6.1
Nikolaos MitrousisDescription
This database contains all the data points used to plot the graphs shown in the 2020 publication by Mitrousis et. al., entitled "Hydrogel-mediated co-transplantation of retinal pigmented epithelium and photoreceptors restores vision in an animal model of advanced retinal degeneration". Please refer to the paper for details.
University of Toronto
Biomaterials, Stem Cells Research, Regenerative Medicine, Retinal Degeneration, Retinal Cell Transplantation Research