Evaluation of Arabic Learning Program at State Islamic Religious College During COVID-19

Published: 7 June 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ny3x6t8fwy.1
Hery Budiawan


Purpose Among the main factors required to achieve standard quality in learning foreignlanguages including Arabic, standardized language test and continuous evaluationare theprerequisites. Such a test and evaluation should be carried out in a planned, gradual, and continuous mannerwith the aimto get a clear description of the learning development of students as a result of their learning activities. This paper aimedto evaluate the Arabic language learning program at three State Islamic Universities in Indonesia during the COVID-19 period.Method This research adopted a field research method, using a qualitative approach.The samples of the study were the State Islamic University of Lampung, the State Islamic University of Malang and the State Islamic University of Makassar. These three universities were sampled from a total of 35 Islamic universities in Indonesia, and each representedWest, East and Central Indonesia. Data collection techniques included interviews and documentationsearch. Data analysis used the condensation, data presentation and conclusion verificationmethod recommended by model of Miles, Huberman & Saldana (2018).Findings The resultsof this study indicatesthat the three sampled State Islamic Universities did not have any significant differences in evaluation in terms of monitoring, midterm and final exams as well as tutor supervision. However, one differencewas seen in the assessment process in the form of a portfolioat the State Islamic University of Malang, which used methods like memorizingandtranslating text from Indonesian to Arabic. Implications to Research and Practice The findings highlight the similaritiesin the evaluation process of the three State Islamic Universities, therewards and punishmentssystems, and the appreciation and punishment awarded to tutors. The selection of learning methods and providing opportunities for practice would also be a useful reference to predict student achievement


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Learning, COVID-19
