Frequency Domain Data for Analyzing the Performance of Adaptive Threshold Estimators in Cognitive Radio
Published: 9 May 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nyvcpv4s8k.1
Adeiza OnumanyiDescription
The data provided here contains MATLAB files of different frequency domain samples simulated to describe different sensing conditions in Cognitive Radio (CR). The sensing conditions considered in these datasets refer to Frequency Modulated Signals, OFDM signals, Narrow and Wideband Signals, and Real-life TV signals. These datasets are intended to be used to analyze the performance of adaptive threshold estimation algorithms typically deployed for use in the Energy Detector front end of a CR system. Researchers can thus use these datasets as a common platform for evaluating their algorithms.
Federal University of Technology Minna School of Engineering and Engineering Technology
Cognitive Radio Network, Wireless Telecommunication Systems