Country Matrixes for QCA Analysis

Published: 25 February 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nz252wbjyn.1
Anne Arvola,


Assessment of key enabling factors for smallholder commercial tree growing in Indoensia (Java and Kalimantan & Sumatra), Tanzania, Uganda and Vietnam between 1990-2015. Factors cover remote conditions (Land and forest tenure TEN; Wood demand and supply balance (demographic factors, industry and trade) DEMSUP; Land use pressures and competition with agriculture AGR; Macroeconomic environment (GDP/GNI per capita, economic growth and stability); and political stability MACRO) and proximate conditions (Wood markets and pricing MAR; Capacity and knowledge in tree growing KNOW; Direct incentives (goods and materials; grants; tax reliefs, concessions; differential fees etc. DIRINC ; and Indirect incentives (advisory services and trainings, stronger tenure rights on land etc. INDIRINC). The data has been collected through a desk review and it analyzed extensive amount of relevant previous research and existing documentation from all case-study countries to answer the questions related to factors and their indicators in the data matrix. Studies and documents were searched by country with Google Scholar, Web of Science and Google for each enabling factor with specific key words. Document relevance was assessed based on the abstracts or summaries of the documents, and presumptive reliability of the source as not all the documents were from peer reviewed journals. The data for Laos and Tanzania was completed with field research findings. Data collection for Vietnam was mainly carried out by research partners from CIFOR. All country matrixes were reviewed by highly recognized partners with in-depth knowledge of the country and the sector to increase the level of objectivity in the data interpretation. Analysis of the Indonesia data showed significant regional differences in the enabling factors between Java and Kalimantan and Sumatra. Each factor consists of several indicators ranked as POS if they can be considered being supportive for smallholder tree growing and NEG if they have a negative impact. Once a pre-set number of indicators are positive the factor can also be considered POSITIVE, i.e. supportive for smallholder commercial tree growing.



Center for International Forestry Research, Helsingin Yliopisto


Forestry, Forestry in Global Change, Policy, Qualitative Analysis
