TVHeads (Top-View Heads) Dataset

Published: 28 January 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nz4hy7yrps.1
Daniele Liciotti


The TVHeads (Top-View Heads) dataset contains depth images of people from top-view configuration. In particular, the purpose of this dataset is to locate the heads of people who are present below the camera. It contains a total of 1815 depth images (16 bit) with a dimension of 320x240 pixels. Furthermore, after an image preprocessing phase, the depth images are also converted, with an appropriate scaling, in order to obtain an images (8 bit) where the heads silhouette is highlighted by improving image contrast and brightness. The ground truth was manually labelled by 6 human annotators.



Universita Politecnica delle Marche


3D Imaging, Depth Image Analysis, People Tracking, Head, Segmentation
