Multimodal cues displayed by submissive rats promote prosocial choices by dominants. Gachomba et al.

Published: 29 June 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nzjch5ydnf.1


The dataset contains behaviour of 43 pairs of rats performing the Prosocial Choice Task (PCT), as presented in [1]. In this two-choice task, one decision-maker rat can choose in each trial between providing food reward only to itself (selfish choice) or both to itself and a conspecific recipient (prosocial choice). Pairs were divided in different groups with the aim to assess how familiairty of the recipient, sex of the dyad, and the dominance relationship affected rats' prosocial behaviour. [1] Michael Joe Munyua Gachomba, Joan Esteve-Agraz, Kevin Caref, Aroa Sanz Maroto, Helena Bortolozzo-Gleich, Diego Andrés Laplagne, Cristina Márquez (2022). Multimodal cues displayed by submissive rats promote prosocial choices by dominants.



Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Instituto do Cerebro, Instituto de Neurociencias, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche


Animal Behavior, Rat, Rodent Behavior, Social Interaction, Rodent, Dominance, Ultrasonic Vocalization, Decision Making, Prosocial Behavior, Social Cognition
