Examiner perception data for global rating categories used in clinical examinations

Published: 14 July 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/nznbxmbh99.1
Patrick McGown


Data detailing examiner perceptions of global rating locations along the performance spectrum (e.g. Fail, Borderline Pass, Clear Pass, Good and Excellent). These ratings are used in standard setting via the borderline regression method. We examined if the assumption of equal intervals between these global ratings is met, by asking examiners to complete a slider questionnaire to place the typical ‘Borderline Pass’, ‘Clear Pass’ and ‘Good’ candidate on a continuous slider scale between a typical ‘Fail’ candidate at point 0 and a typical ‘Excellent’ candidate at point 1. "Please drag the bars to indicate the position on the scale that you feel would represent a typical ‘borderline pass’, ‘clear pass’, and ‘good’ candidate."


Steps to reproduce

A Qualtrics slider questionnaire was used and results downloaded into Excel format. Examiners were recruited via email and at examiner training to complete a slider questionnaire to place the typical ‘Borderline Pass’, ‘Clear Pass’ and ‘Good’ candidate on a continuous slider scale between a typical ‘Fail’ candidate at point 0 and a typical ‘Excellent’ candidate at point 1. Instructions: "Please drag the bars to indicate the position on the scale that you feel would represent a typical ‘borderline pass’, ‘clear pass’, and ‘good’ candidate."


Imperial College London


Medicine, Academic Assessment
