Published: 21 August 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/p2fnrmk6c4.1
Rohan GanduriDescription
The folder consists of the replication code to generate analysis datasets for "Do Property Rehabs Affect Neighborhood Property Prices?" by Ganduri and Maturana. This paper uses data from Zillow ZTRAX and the National Community Stabilization Trust (NCST), a nonprofit organization. Both datasets are proprietary and were obtained under nondisclosure agreements. The agreements do not place any restrictions on the conclusions of our analysis and no third-party (including the data providers) had the right to review the paper prior to its circulation and publication.
Steps to reproduce
Please see attached Readme file for steps to reproduce empirical results in the paper "Do Property Rehabs Affect Neighborhood Property Prices?" by Ganduri and Maturana
Emory University Goizueta Business School
Real Estate Economics