PHLPP1 promotes neutral lipid accumulation through AMPK/ChREBP dependent lipid uptake and fatty acid synthesis pathways

Published: 10 January 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/p2h84hs6n2.1
, Raghavender Medishetti, Jyothi Kotha, Parameshwar Behera, Kanika Chandra, Vijay Mavuduru, Manjunath Joshi, Ramesh Samineni, Madhumohan Katika, Writoban Bal, Manjunatha Thondamal, Anil Challa, Kiranam Chatti, Kishore Parsa


To gain a deeper understanding the role of PHLPP1 in lipid metabolism in macrophages, we performed mRNA Seq analysis to assess the gene expression changes in PHLPP1 knockdown RAW 264.7 cells treated with 100 microgram/ml of oxidized LDL for 24 h or left untreated. Sample defiintion: CTRL sh-Luc nucleofected RAW 264.7 stable cells (3 replicates) CTRL_TREATED sh-Luc nucleofected RAW 264.7 stable cells treated with 100µg/ml OxLDL for 24 h (3 replicates) TEST sh-PHLPP1 nucleofected RAW 264.7 stable cells (3 replicates) TEST_TREATED sh-PHLPP1 nucleofected RAW 264.7 stable cells treated with 100µg/ml OxLDL for 24 h (3 replicates)



RNA Sequencing
