Data for: Anatomical Study of the Compositions and Internal Connections of the Chiasma Plantare (Master Knot of Henry): Exploring its Possible Clinical Impact

Published: 26 April 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/p2x5hd46v5.1
qin xiangzheng


We have carefully recorded data including the Cross-sectional Sectional area Area of FHL and FDL, the connections between the FHL and FDL and the structure of their fibers connecting with the QP, as well as the branches of these three tendons to each of the five long flexor tendons, which were analyzed and described, along with the shape of the QP. Furthermore, the present results were used to integrate and classify the composition of the chiasma plantare and the connections between the FHL and FDL. Meanwhile, the flexion actions of the toes were deduced and classified according to the toe dedication of each long flexor tendon comprehensively controlled by the assembly of the FHL, FDL and QP.



