Prevalence of Rounded shoulder due to biopsychosocial factors among young females: A survey study
The most common people who experience rounded shoulder syndrome are laptop users who sit at desks and tables. In this condition, the shoulders appear to be lifted towards the neck and the scapulae appear to be prolonged outward. Round Shoulder Posture is identified by the prominent acromion process of the shoulder with relation to the gravity axis. This results in a hunched posture with anterior tilting, protraction of the shoulder blades, downward rotation, and scapular elevation.It is well known that round shoulders result from changes in anatomical structure, but in our studies, we are also observing the impact of biological factors, such as large breast size in females and its impact on the spine and development of round shoulders, as well as psychological factors, such as low self-esteem. We are using a trimodal approach to know the prevalence of this condition among young females. The very last component of it is social factors that includes ADLs, we are looking at how day to day activities contribute towards Round Shoulder Posture
Steps to reproduce
Questionnaire was created using google form and circulated among female population of age group 18-26. Data was collected and analysed using SPSS. Pie chart was formed using MS Excel.