Facility location and waste bin allocation and routing problem (FLWBARP)
We investigate an underground waste collection system in which waste would be collected at central locations in so-called underground containers with a much larger capacity. If an underground container system is to be introduced to replace the present door-to-door waste collection system, a number of decisions of varying scope have to be made. We have to decide 1. whether a site should be opened, 2. which customers should be assigned to which open site, 3. with which frequency these open sites are to be visited for waste collection, 4. on which days in the planning horizon this has to take place, 5. the number and type of containers with which to equip a collection site, 6. and which routes the vehicles will take. The goal is to minimize the overall costs. We refer to the problem as the facility location and waste bin allocation and routing problem (FLWBARP). In this repository, the benchmark dataset for the FLWBARP is introduced. The instances used and shown here are an extension of the ten instances for the WBARP considered by Hemmelmayr et al. (2014), which in turn are a slightly extended combination of the instances of Cordeau et al. (1997) and Crevier et al. (2007).