Civil Propeller Aircraft Data 2018
Marinus, B. G. / Quodbach, L. Data and Design Models for Civil Turbopropeller Aircraft Journal of Aircraft , Vol. 57, No. 6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) p. 1252-1267, doi: 10.2514/1.C035271
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The database consists of entries for 36 transport aircraft that are currently in service across the globe. All of them are equipped with turbopropellers. In total, 3580 records have been collected for 70 aircraft characteristics, covering dimensions and geometrical shape parameters of the fuselage, wing and tail surfaces, operating masses including maximum payload and fuel masses, the number of engines, engine type and engine figures of merit (such as maximum power and power specific fuel consumption), propeller diameter, and rotational velocity, together with operational characteristics (maximum number of passengers, volume of the cargo hold, long-range cruise speed and altitude, range at maximum payload, and ferry range). According to common practice in the literature, the turbopropeller-equipped aircraft have been arranged by type into one of the following: single turboprop (four samples), light twin turboprop (maximum takeoff mass ≤10;000 kg; 14 samples), and medium twin turboprop (maximum takeoff mass >10;000 kg; 18 samples). The last category counts numerous regional aircraft. Next to open-source web-based unclassified data such as manufacturer leaflets and performance manuals, the data have been collected from textbooks and papers. Crosschecks on the original and derived data are performed whenever possible. Given its origin, the data presented in this paper should be considered as the best available record and not as a certificated value. When data depend onto flight conditions, the reported values are for sea level cruise settings.