Forging inner-disk Al-rich chondrules by interactions of CAI-like melt and ambient gas

Published: 9 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/p3bt2wbcmj.1


Tabel S1. EPMA analysis condition for individual minerals in ARCs of this study Table S2. EPMA major element compositions of individual minerals in ARCs of this study as determined by EPMA Table S3. LA-ICP-MS trace element concentrations of ARCs in this study Table S4. Instrumental biases of olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, spinel, and glass reference materials among oxygen three-isotope sessions of this study Table S5. Data reduction for oxygen isotope ratios in major minerals of ARCs in this study Table S6. Summary of oxygen isotope ratios of individual analysis on ARCs of this study Table S7. Data reduction for Al-Mg isotope analysis of olivine and spinel in MET 00526_A2 of this study Table S8. Al-Mg isotope data of anorthitic glass reference materials Table S9. Data reduction for Al-Mg isotope analysis of plagioclase in MET 00526_A2 of this study Table S10a. Estimation of CAI portion in the precursor of OC ARCs based on their REE abundances Table S10b. Bulk CAMS compositions of the refractory component in the precursor of OC ARCs inferred using two emdmember mixing models



University of Wisconsin Madison


Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry, Cosmochemistry, Oxygen Isotope, Dating with Short-Lived Extinct Radionuclides


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