Data for: Long-term dynamic simulation of environmental impacts on ecosystem-based pond aquaculture

Published: 19 June 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/p3bwbphj6x.1
Monika Varga, Laszlo Berzi-Nagy, Bela Csukas, Gergo Gyalog


"Fishpond simulation" folder contains an executable process simulator with the necessary auxiliary files and with a detailed guide, for demonstration purposes. "Fishpond model structure with functionalities" folder contains the model structure with the local programs of the fishpond model, as well as the description of model parameters, as follows: -FP_NewCarp_4.txt is the model, implemented in the method of Programmable Process Structures. It contains information about both the model structure and the calculating local declarative programs. It can be studied with common graph visualization tools, using .graphml format (e.g. yED graph editor, etc.). -Param_input_output variables.xlsx contains detailed information about the global variables, inputs, parameters and outputs in the application specific (locally executable) program code of the model. Referred parameters, input and output variables are explained together with listing of their initial and parameter values, as well as their literature references. "Example model outputs" folder contains some illustrative output of the developed dynamic simulation model, as follows: -Output_2010-2016.xlsx: Outputs of simulations for years 2010-2016, utilizing factual data from SzegedFish Ltd. It is discussed in Section 5.2. -Output_design_space.xlsx: Calculations with various feeding and stocking densities for a fishpond, characterizing local conditions. Necessary conditions can be found in Sheet INFO. It is discussed in Section 5.3. -Output_daily_recording.xlsx: Illustration of simulation results for NorESM RCP 4.5 and 8.5 climate scenarios, with daily output recording, for six scenarios, defined in Sheet INFO. It is discussed in Section 5.4. -Output_Oct31_recording.xlsx: Simulation results with output recording at the last day of production season, Oct 31. Contains full simulation results for NorESM RCP 4.5 and 8.5 climate scenarios for two locations in Hungary (Szeged and Debrecen). It is discussed in Section 5.4.


Steps to reproduce

Guide.pdf in "Fishpond simulator" folder contains a detailed description about the utilization of the fishpond simulator and the necessary auxiliary files.


Food Web Dynamics, Pond Ecosystem, Climate Change, Dynamic Simulation, Fish Farming, Integrated Modelling
