Dataset on the Acceptance of e-learning System among Universities Students

Published: 6 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/p3gnv97z4v.1


A sample of 555 university students in Malaysia was chosen using multistage random sampling. Online questionnaires in Google Forms with an appended consent form were distributed to the participants via the WhatsApp application through appointed representatives from each university. The online surveys included demographic information, the motivation of ESL students, and online practices related to self-regulated learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data analysis was demonstrated through the use of tables, including descriptive and inferential statistics.


Steps to reproduce

The dataset primarily focused on students' motivation and various cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies utilized in online English as a second language courses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers utilized a cross-sectional approach in their quantitative study. 555 university students in Malaysia were surveyed using cross-sectional data collected through multistage random sampling. The participants were sent online questionnaires in Google Forms along with a consent form. These questionnaires were distributed through representatives from each university using the WhatsApp application. The data collection took place for approximately two weeks in an anonymous manner. Thus, the participants could decide whether to complete all the data during the answering process. The gender and course of the database for this study were both identified. The data were kept strictly confidential and were only used for research. The data from the questionnaires has nominal and ordinal values. The online self-report questionnaires consisted of 38 items and included a 5-point Likert scale with the options “strongly agree," “agree," “not sure," “disagree,” and “strongly disagree." The questionnaires comprised three questions on the demographic section and five questions on the student’s motivation section in Section A; nine questions on online strategies within the framework of self-regulated-based learning in Section B; sixteen questions on online language learning strategies in Section C; and lastly, five questions on perceived progress in ESL learning by learning online in Section D. The data collected from questionnaires was evaluated statistically using Microsoft Excel and displayed in tables. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to analyze the demographics of the respondents and the characteristics and patterns of each item.


Universiti Malaysia Terengganu


Motivation, English as a Second Language, Online Learning, COVID-19


Research Management and Innovation Centre, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

(Vot. No. 55216).
