Foggy-Hazy License Plates Images
The study of locating and reading license plates from foggy or hazy vehicle images is a relatively emerging field of research. Each passing vehicle can be recorded with the help of the license plate reader's ability to automatically read the characters on the plates. In images where fog or haze is present, license plate recognition and detection are hindered. This dataset contains 1001 foggy- hazy images of vehicles with license plates. The dataset will be a research aid for the researchers and the society for performing license plate detection and recognition of foggy or hazy license plates. Images for this dataset were manually collected using Canon-DSLR-1500D Digital SLR cameras. The dataset includes images taken at various locations in Jaipur, Delhi, and Gurugram. Zip files of both foggy- hazy images, along with their corresponding ground truth images are included in the dataset.