Giving and social discounting and individualism-collectivism
Published: 8 November 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/p43r5wfd9t.1
Frederik BooysenDescription
This dataset contains information for a group of 168 students and staff from the University of the Free State in South Africa. The subjects completed the standard Social Discounting Task (SDT) and the 14-item version of the IND-COL scale. Altruism is measured using the amount given in the SDT as well as the Area under the Curve (AUC) and the social discounting rate (k'). The first outcome is measured at task-level and the latter two outcomes at subject-level. The hypotheses here are that individuals exhibiting individualistic traits are less altruistic, while individuals who are more collectivist are more altruistic.
Steps to reproduce
The do file included with the data files replicates the analysis reported in the publication.
Economics, Discounting, Altruism