JHR-01-2021-0067 Data Set on Exploring Healthcare Status of the Urban Poor in Chittagong City, Bangladesh

Published: 9 February 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/p478mcgh5j.1
Mohammad Ali Haider


The attached data file represents the research findings that could not put in the text of the manuscript due to the journal's words requirement. It might be helpful to verify the results and discussions. Therefore we attached this appendix herewith for your kind consideration. The tabulated data gathered from the field survey through face to face interview. The data tables were formulated respondents based and study site-based and all data were shown in percentage (%). The following sections are representing the data views- Table II: Perception of the current healthcare status of slum dwellers in CC (respondents’ types based) Table III: Perception of the current healthcare status of slum dwellers in CC (study site based) Note: All three types of respondents’ opinions merged and included in their respective study sites. The calculation was done based on each variable and the percentage is represented based on their area total and the total of their portion. The calculation could count column-wise of respective variables. Table V: Perception of the prevailing healthcare problems (respondents’ types based) Table VI: Prevailing healthcare problems (study site based) Note: All three types of respondents’ opinions merged and included in their respective study sites. The calculation was done based on each variable and the percentage is represented based on their area total and the total of their portion. The calculation could count column-wise of their respective variable. Table VII: Perception on the way out of healthcare problems in the urban slum dwellers (respondents’ types based) Table VIII: Way out of healthcare problems in the urban slum dwellers (study site based) Note: All three types of respondents’ opinions merged and included in their respective study sites. The calculation was done based on each variable and the percentage is represented rest on their area total and the overall of their portion. The calculation could count column-wise of their respective variable.


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Qualitative and quantitative methods were adopted in the study. A mixed type of questionnaire (open and close-ended) has been designed flexibly to collect qualitative and quantitative information. In a close-ended question, a 5-point Likert-type scale was used in getting the judgments of the respondents’. The key methods used in this research were – Field observation: Carefully observed the quality of the surroundings of the selected study sites in understanding the healthcare status, especially public health care services, drug stores, clinics, doctors’ availability, maternity clinics, emergency transport, and communication, etc. Household head interview (HHHI): A face to face household head interview was conducted among the slum dwellers. A total of 150 (50 from each study site due to the nearly equal size of the population in each study site) household respondents were selected randomly purposively. A structured questionnaire was used for the healthcare status information gathering from the interviewees. Key informant interview (KII): A one on one key informant interview was performed at each study site for household respondents’ data triangulation. A total of 18 key informants were selected from local community leaders, religious leaders, community clinic doctors, nurses, drug sellers, teachers, NGO activists, etc. and respondents were selected randomly purposively from each study site. A structured checklist was used while performing the KIIs. Small group discussion (SGD): A small group discussion was executed in each study site for household respondents’ and KII’s data triangulation. Around 7-10 local people instantly participated in the small group discussion. Each SGD was arranged in mass gathering places usually at a tea stall or rickshaw or CNG auto-rickshaw stand. A structured checklist was used while small group discussions were conducted. A total of 6 SGD were arranged and 2 from each study site. Secondary data: Various sources of data such as online journal articles, research reports, books, etc. were also used in this research. Data analysis Statistical analysis techniques (quantitative data) including a statistical package for social science (IBM SPSS 24 trial version) and qualitative data were analyzed through qualitative statements, description, and explanation. Analysis of variances (ANOVA) was done to determine the spatial disparity by using descriptive and analytical statistics as well as tables and figures. HHH respondents, KI interviewees, and SG discussants’ judgments’ merged to show each study site’s variation. Figure 3 shows the research methodology flowchart.


Thammasat University - Rangsit Campus, University of Chittagong Faculty of Biological Science


Public Health, Healthcare Standard
