Orion Beam Datasets

Published: 15 July 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/p4fg6snh3r.1
Rafael Teloli,


The datasets provided by this repository comprise experimental data to investigate the nonlinear dynamic behavior of the Orion beam structure, which consists of two duraluminum beams assembled by bolted joints. To retain contact on a small area between both beams, this new lap-joint configuration proposes contact patches at each bolt connection. The Orion beam suggests an assembly configuration that associates bolts dedicated to “static” functions and to those to perform “damping” functions. This ensures a significant increase in the structural damping without degrading the structural stiffness. Experiments have been performed on the laboratory pôle Vibration and Acoustic, located at FEMTO-ST Institute, CNRS/UFC/ENSMM/UTBM, Department of Applied Mechanics, 24 chemin de l’Epitaphe, 25000 Besançon, France. A full description of the data can be seen in the following publications: • R. O. Teloli, P. Butaud, G. Chevallier, S. da Silva, Good practices for designing and experimental testing of dynamically excited jointed structures: The Orion beam, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 163(2022) 108172. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2021.108172. • R. O. Teloli, P. Butaud, G. Chevallier, S. da Silva, Dataset of experimental measurements for the Orion beam structure, Data in Brief Journal, In Press. If you have any questions, please contact us: Rafael Teloli: rafael.teloli@unesp.br Pauline Butaud: pauline.butaud@femto-st.fr Gaël Chevallier: gael.chevallier@univ-fcomte.fr Samuel da Silva: samuel.silva13@unesp.br


Steps to reproduce

In both datasets, there is a folder entitled as "Auxiliary Files", in which the interested reader will find all the necessary files to reproduce our data/results, including .m files, schematic figures of the experimental setups, a numerical mesh constructed by using the COMSOL software, and the geometrical steps to manufacture the Orion beam. Moreover, all the details regarding the available data are found in the publications: • R. O. Teloli, P. Butaud, G. Chevallier, S. da Silva, Good practices for designing and experimental testing of dynamically excited jointed structures: The Orion beam, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 163(2022) 108172. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymssp.2021.108172. • R. O. Teloli, P. Butaud, G. Chevallier, S. da Silva, Dataset of experimental measurements for the Orion beam structure, Data in Brief Journal, In Press.


Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, FEMTO-ST


Signal Processing, Mechanical Engineering, Nonlinear System Identification, Nonlinear Mechanics, Friction, Dry Friction
