Data For: Consultant Assignment and Routing Problem with Priority
The CARPP problem aims to simultaneously assign consultants to clients and determine the traveling routes. The features of the problem are listed as follows. The consulting activities must be performed face-to-face at the client site. Therefore, consultants travel to almost all client assignments to fulfill their jobs. The objective is to minimize the incurred airfares and the consultants’ wages. Consultants are proficient in different skills and they can only fill demands requiring the relevant skill. The skills cannot be easily replicated or cross-trained. In addition, priority requirement has to be matched before assigning consultants to clients. To avoid dissatisfaction from consultants, the maximum number of flying trips should not exceed four for each consultant per week. The CARPP problem does not consider time window because the specific working time is determined by consultants and clients.
Steps to reproduce
There are 100 synthetic instances under "data" folder. The synthetic instances are randomly generated based on the real-life data. Details about the data generation can be found in our paper named consultant assignment and routing problem with priority. The 100 instances are divided into three categories, i.e. "S", "M", and "L" based on the number of clusters. The real-life data is hold to protect the firm's privacy. MILP formulation, RMIP algorithm and MNSA algorithm are used to solve the CARPP problem. Computational results can be found under "solutions" folder. The number of binary variables, integer variables, and constraints in mathematical models for each instance are listed in "countVars.docx" under "solutions".