Dune slack Ecohydrology Dataset
These datasets are those described in van Willegen et al. 2024. Five-year carry-over effects in dune slack vegetation response to hydrology. The authors are currently undertaking further analysis of these data, but are open to further collaborative projects. If you are interested in using these data, please contact authors. Dune slack Ecohydrology dataset Location: Newborough, North Wales, UK. Dataset source: vegetation survey of 17 dune slacks with co-located piezometers (monthly measurements). Data period: 2007-2019. Tab1.Hydrology metric compounds for calculation of hydrology metrics. Hydrology_metric_yearA Tab2.Hydrology metric compounds for calculation of hydrology metrics. Hydrology_metric_yearB Tab3.Hydrology metric compounds for calculation of hydrology metrics. Hydrology_metric_yearC Tab4. Mean EbF per releveé. (total 453)
Steps to reproduce
Vegetation monitoring, 1mx1m quadrats, calculated mean Ellenberg soil moisture indicator values. Mean Ellenberg soil moisture indicator values (EbF), calulated with: EbF1a - Vascular plant species presence only EbF1b - Vascular plant species and bryophyte species presence only EbF1c - Vascular plant species cover weighted. EbF1d - Vascular plant and bryophyte species cover weighted. Hydrology metrics compounds, calculated with co-linked hydrology measurements (dGPS vertical accuracy 10mm).