Research data for validating a quantitative methodology to analyse the impact of text formulation on students learning assessment in mathematics
The repository contains the following files: - "Research_Data" -> Data of our research trial - "RESULTS_testequating" -> output of the procedure of test equating implemented using JMetrik - "results41_CTonCN" -> Results of the Rasch Model implemented using ConQuest considering the 41 items of the CoreTest on the National Population Survey - "results41_CTonER" -> Results of the Rasch Model implemented using ConQuest considering the 41 items of the CoreTest on the Emilia Romagna regional Population - "results41_CTonP" -> Results of the Rasch Model implemented using ConQuest considering the 41 items of the CoreTest on our entire reserch population - "results41_CTonPV" -> Results of the Rasch Model implemented using ConQuest considering the 41 items of the CoreTest on our reserch population who answered to the varied form of the test - "results41_CTonPO" -> Results of the Rasch Model implemented using ConQuest considering the 41 items of the CoreTest on our reserch population who answered to the original form of the test - "resultsINVALSI_OriginalTest" -> Results of the Rasch Model implemented using ConQuest considering the INVALSI test on on the National Population Survey - "resultsO_TOonPo" -> Results of the Rasch Model implemented using ConQuest considering the whole original test on our reserch population who answered to the original form of the test - "resultsV_TVonPV" -> Results of the Rasch Model implemented using ConQuest considering the whole varied test on our reserch population who answered to the original form of the test For all the results files we can also make available the related "summary" file, containing the summary of the estimation parameters (conquest output).