Inactivation kinetics H229E and SARS-CoV2 coronaviruses by commercial hand sanitizers
The goal of the research was to assess the inactivation kinetics of commercial hand sanitizer formulations against both alpha (H229E) and beta (SARS-CoV2) variants representing the 2 coronavirus subgroups which include all of the currently known human infective coronaviruses. The assessment included testing across a wide range of commercial hand sanitizer active ingredients (ethanol and benzalkonium chloride), concentrations of actives ingredient (0.089% - 80%), and variable form factors (foams, gels, water thin liquids) using the EN14476 in vitro virucidal efficacy test methodology. The data includes verification of neutralization of each test material used within the study, along with baseline and viral recovery data collected during the study along with calculated log reductions, percentage reduction and inactivation rate constants for each test system and organism. The data set shows complete inactivation of both H229E and SARS-CoV2 viral titers in as little as 15 seconds and demonstrates nearly identical inactivation rates for both alpha and beta coronavirus test species across the breadth of test products and chemistries including a reference 80% ethanol hand rub recommended by WHO for emergency pandemic response.
Steps to reproduce
Data was generated using EN 14476 with 15 and 30 second contact times