Spectre Study - Ulnar Nerve CSA
Cubital tunnel syndrome is the second most common entrapment syndrome in upper limbs, with an incidence of 18–25 per 100 000 individuals per year. The course of the ulnar nerve has well documented potential sites of compression. Different factors are related to this condition, such as mechanical compression, anatomic muscular variations, nerve subluxation and repeated elbow flexion. Several conservative treatments and surgical procedures have already been described. 10-15 Many studies in the last years did not demonstrate the superiority of one surgical technique over the other. Previous reports underline the ultrasound (US) cross-sectional area (CSA) of the ulnar nerve at the elbow, as a valid tool to diagnose CuTS. The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical outcome in elbows undergoing endoscopic and open cubital tunnel release (CuTR) for CuTS using US-related changes in the CSA of the ulnar nerve.