BVD-TV Dairy Farm paper Vaccine 2024

Published: 2 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/p7nshx52r8.1
Demian Bellido


Base de Datos DairyComp 2021 is a database of Argentinian DairycComp 305 users from more than 200 dairy farms that use the software DairyComp305. This data set summarize the reproductive and productive parameters for these users. Data is collecte everyday from the dairy farms to the software and then compilated into this report. Data from all the animals of the farms is collected daily in this software. Information is in spanish, but it is pretty clear to undertand. Data BVD-TV paper vaccine is the data collected from 6 dairy farms under study after the incorporation of Vedevax Block, a targeted subunit vaccine against BVDV (BVD-TV). Data was collected in the DairyComp 305 software, extracted and classified in Years pre-BVD TV, year 0, the year the vaccine was incroporated , and years post-BVD TV. All parameters are annualized, with the exact numbers of animals and the proportion for each parameters. Milk production was also meassure. This data reflects the effect of the Vedevax Block vaccine on the dairy farms, but it also may work as an indication of the impact of the BVD virus on the farms


Steps to reproduce

Both data bases were built from dairycomp 305 software information from Argentinian Dairy famrs Data is annualized and organized in different productive an reproductive parameters to make it clear to follow and understand


Vaccine, Dairy Cattle, Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus
