Population Matched Transcriptome Prediction Increases TWAS Discovery and Replication Rate
Published: 16 November 2020| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/p8cgvyz4sz.2
Elyse GeoffroyDescription
Here are the input datasets for the paper "Population Matched Transcriptome Prediction Increases TWAS Discovery and Replication Rate" SPred_total_all_pheno.csv is the file combining the S-PrediXcan results with COLOC results. Please note that CAU=EUR. *_attempt_newBP.txt are the files used in Manhattan plot development to assign BP and CHR values. coloc_*_results.zip are the coloc output files for each PAGE phenotype for that particular MESA model. SigGenes_SPred_1e7.csv are the significant genes identified from S-PrediXcan that met the threshold P < 1.1e-7. SigGenes_SPred_bonferroni.csv are the significant genes identified from S-PrediXcan that met the threshold P < 0.05/# of genes tested.
Bioinformatics, Genome Wide Association Study, Computational Biology