spike -- size: (1, N+2) 1st~Nth components: spike data (time stamps of spike happened) (N+2)th compoent: Number of cortical neurons and maximum time step time bin size: 1ms This raw data is stored for individual data samples. cellnum: number of neurons Sheet1: excitatory neurons Sheet2: inhibitory neurons FR: firings-rate histograms [log10] Sheet 1: frequency [log10] Sheet2: histograms of excitatory neurons (for 7 data set) Sheet3: histograms of inhibitory neurons (for 7 data set) Weights: histograms of connectivity intensities Sheet 1: weights (=intensities) [log10] Sheet2: histograms of excitatory neurons (for 7 data set) Sheet3: histograms of inhibitory neurons (for 7 data set) KC_layers: This data is a summary of K-core (KC) clusterings separately calculated from individual layers or all cortical layers. Individual sheets correspond with 7 data samples. A,B: excitatory neurons, D,E: inhibitory neurons A,D: labels of data, (layer1-3, layer4, layer5, layer6, all), B,E : their values All means KC values for all layers FVS_layers: The data format is same as KC_layers. The included data is Feedback Vertex Set. Degree: degree histograms Sheet1: values of x axis (degree [log10]) Sheet2: in-degree histograms for seven data samples Sheet3: out-degree histograms for seven data samples
Steps to reproduce
Use these codes shared on Git-hub. https://github.com/Motoki878/Kaji_EICont https://github.com/takutsu5/IlpFvs