The Brazilian version of the Telehealth Usability Questionnaire (TUQ Brazil): translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and psychometrics properties
The study aimed to translate and cross-culturally adapt the Telehealth Usability Questionnaire (TUQ) into Brazilian Portuguese and evaluate its reliability and validity among the Brazilian population. This dataset describes and documents the translation and cross-cultural adaptation process, which includes five steps: (1) initial translations: translation of the instrument from English as a source language to the target Brazilian Portuguese language. Two translations from English into Brazilian Portuguese were generated independently by two native-speaker translators of Brazilian Portuguese - documents Translation 1 (T1).docx and Translation 2 (T2).docx; (2) Synthesis of translations: a synthesis of the translated versions into Brazilian Portuguese were discussed by the two translators, the researchers and the study coordinator (M.R.S). A single translated version was created – document Synthesis of translation (ST).docx; (3) Reverse translations: reverse translations of the Synthesis of translation from Brazilian Portuguese to English were performed by two native-speakers translators of English who created the back-translated versions BT1 and BT2 – documents Back-translation 1 (BT1).docx and Back-translation 2 (BT2).docx; (4) expert committee evaluation: a committee of experts was invited to consolidate the previous versions of the questionnaire and to develop its pre-final version in Brazilian Portuguese – document Pre-final version.docx; (5) evaluation of the pre-final version: fifty-four individuals from the target population responded in a self-administered manner the pre-final version of the TUQ-Brazil questionnaire, assessed their comprehension and answer of each item. The cross-cultural validation process is described in the Methods section of the manuscript. A culturally adapted version of the TUQ for the Brazilian population was documented following cross-cultural adaptations, expert committee recommendations, and the final version's test results.
Coordenação de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development