Data for Leaving Before the Party is Over: Evidence from News of Pharmaceutical Malpractice in Nigeria
These panel datasets uses proprietary publication data from the Elsevier Scopus database, but is made available in aggregated format at the individual-year level. The dataset "personleveldata_Nigeria_clean.dta" comprises publication histories of researchers affiliated with a Nigerian institution from the years 1993-2008. We use this dataset to compare outcomes in publication counts across Nigerian researchers before and after the WP news article (2000). Treated researchers are identified as those affiliated with an institution in a boycotting Nigerian state; control researchers are those who affiliate with an institution in a non-boycotting Nigerian state. The dataset "personleveldata_NigeriaGhana_clean.dta" comprises publication histories of researchers affiliated with a Nigerian or Ghanian institution from the years 1993-2008. We use this dataset in our robustness check analyses which include Ghanian Muslim states as a placebo group. Treated researchers are identified as those affiliated with an institution in a Muslim-majority Nigerian or Ghanian state; control researchers are those who affiliate with an institution in a non-Muslim Nigerian or Ghanian state.