Thalassemia Dataset

Published: 22 November 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/p8rv84hrbs.1
Safa S Abdul-Jabbar,


About Dataset - Researchers Information Safa S. Abdul-Jabbar1, Alaa k. Farhan 2 1Computer Science Dept., College of Science for Women, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq 2Computer Science Dept., University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq ,2 - Context This is the first Dataset for various thalassemia patients in Iraq. The Dataset contains the HLPC test information for 1073 patients with 12 features for each record that can be used to create a thalassemia Diagnosis system. Also, this Data was collected in 2022 from Hematology Center (Thalassemia) in Ibn Al-Baladi Hospital and can be analyzed using any programming language because it is provided in an excel file that can be accessed and manipulated easily. - Content This Dataset contains 1073 rows. For each row (patient HLPC information), there are 12 columns containing test features that can be described as follows: 1. ID: Patients Identifier 2. Gender: Patient sex (0 for Female and 1 for Male) 3. Age: Patient's age in years 4. MCV: Mean Corpuscular Volume with Normal Ranges 82.5 98 for adults. 5. HGB: Hemoglobin with Normal Ranges: (for Males 13.6 - 16.9, Females 11.9 - 14.8) Grams per deciliter. 6. MCH: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin is the average amount of hemoglobin in the average red cell with Normal Ranges (27 – 32) picograms for adults 7. RBC: Red Blood Cell with Normal Ranges: (for Males 4.2 - 5.7, Females 3.8 - 5.0) 10^6/microliter. 8. S: Subunits of HLPC Test with Normal Range =0%. 9. HBA2: Subunits of HLPC Test with Normal Range (1-3) % for adults 10. HBA: Subunits of HLPC Test with Normal Range (> 97) % for adults 11. HBF: Subunits of HLPC Test with Normal Range (<1) % for adults 12. Iron: Iron in Blood cells with Normal Range (60 – 170) micrograms per deciliter - Acknowledgements We thank the entire Ibn Al-Baladi Hospital / Hematology Center team, especially the director of the Hematology Center in Ibn Al-Baladi Hospital, for cooperating with us in collecting this data while maintaining patients' confidentiality.


Steps to reproduce

The dataset can be analyzed using any programming language because it is provided in an excel file that can be accessed and manipulated easily.


Diagnosis, Data Analytics
