Burnout, work-related daily negative affect and rumination: A mediation model combining an intensive and longitudinal design

Published: 28 March 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/p8sc2x2cg8.1


The study aims to examine the relationship between daily negative affect and rumination in the context of work, and to verify their mediating role in the development of burnout. A classical longitudinal design was combined with ten-day online daily measurements among 235 civil servants. A random intercept cross-lagged panel model was implemented. From a within-person perspective, carryover, spillover and synchronic relationships between work-related negative affect and rumination were analysed. At the between-person level, a mediation model of the random intercepts of negative affect and rumination between two burnout measurements was tested.


Steps to reproduce

The study consists of three stages and combines classical and intensive longitudinal measurements. Burnout levels were assessed on two occasions (T1 and T2), with an interval of four months. Between these two measurement points, for 10 consecutive working days (Monday to Friday for two weeks), the participants’ end-of-work negative affect and work-related rumination were evaluated. All assessments were conducted online.


Politechnika Gdanska, SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospoleczny


Clinical Psychology, Organizational Psychology


Narodowe Centrum Nauki

