Dermal invasion of SUM in each nail subunit and correlation with Breslow depth, the total involvement score, and disease free survival
Supplemental figure 1. Dermal invasion of SUM in each nail subunit and correlation with Breslow depth, the total involvement score, and disease free survival Abbreviations: H0, No hyponychium invasion; H1, Hyponychium invasion; NB0, No nail bed invasion; NB1, nail bed invasion; GM0, no germinal matrix invasion; GM1, germinal matrix invasion; VFPNF0, no ventral floor of proximal nail fold invasion; VFPNF1, ventral floor of proximal nail fold invasion; DRPNF0, no invasion in dorsal roof of proximal nail fold; DRPNF1, invasion in dorsal roof of proximal nail fold * indicates significant differences according to the Mann-Whitney U test with p <0.05 † indicates significant differences in survival curve according to the log-rank test with p-value<0.05