Published: 25 March 2024| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/p95ck4wpcx.4
, , Giovanni Burro, Description
Data and code necessary to replicate the paper "Patience decreases with age for the poor but not for the rich: An international comparison" by Burro, G.; Mcdonald, R.; Read, D. and Taj, U. Patience_code_JEBO contains code to replicate the version of the paper accepted at the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Patience_code_SSRN contains code to replicate the version available on SSRN, which contains more analyses in the appendix with respect to the JEBO version.
Steps to reproduce
Follow the R code to replicate our paper. All necessary data are in the folder "Data_replicate_paper".
Psychology, Economics, Intertemporal Choice, Behavioral Economics