Quentin dataset
The data presented here represent spectral measurements and thin sections of rock samples which were collected during a mining investigation study carried out in the northern Cameroon referenced as "Anaba Fotze Q.M., Bikoro Bi-Alou M., Ndougsa-Mbarga T., Bailly L., Bernard J., Penaye J., Sep Nlomngan J.P., Djieto Lordon A.E., Ketchaya Y.B., Moussango Ibohn P.A. (2022). Integrating Aster 07XT, Landsat 8, and aeromagnetic data for the delineation of potential mineralization sites in North Cameroon. Geological Journal, 57(9), 3949–3971”. The folder contains two Excel files and a folder. The Excel file named "Rock samples description" describes the rock samples collected for spectral analyses and thin sections (displayed in the manuscript). The other Excel file "Rocks spectral measurements" provides the spectral measurements of each rock sample. The folder gives the pictures of the collected rock samples. The spectral measurements carried out on samples were to confirm earlier geophysical and remote sensing results aimed at the identification of potential hydrothermal alteration targets which may be linked to gold mineralizations.
Steps to reproduce
The data were obtained from analyzing rock samples using an Analytical Spectral Device (ASD FieldSpec3) spectrometer and an Optical microscope in transmitted light.