BDPapayaLeaf: A annotation based image dataset of papaya leaf disease.

Published: 20 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/p997fvf526.1


The dataset contains images of papaya leaf diseases. Images were collected from Changao , Ashulia , Dhaka, Bangladesh area with coordinates at 23° 53' 2" N and 90° 19' 28" E. The images were taken from July 12-August 2, 2023 , approximately 22 days. The .rar directory has one parent folder. Inside parent folder there are 3 sub directory. Original Images, Annotations, Labels. ‘Original Images’ folder has all the original jpg images classified into five classes. ‘Annotations’ folder has annotation images in xml format . ‘Labels’ folder has annotation images in txt format . Number of images: 2159 Number of classes: 5 Name if the classes: Anthracnose, Bacterial spot, Curl, Ring spot, and Healthy . Number of annotation images : 1050 Annotation format: XML,TXT



Daffodil International University


Agricultural Engineering, Annotation, Image Classification
