Singularity encounter animations
Animations of encountering singularities of a 6-axis serial robot. Included encounters are isolated overhead and wrist singularities, coincident overhead and wrist singularities and the wrist singularity near maximum extension of the robot arm.
Steps to reproduce
The .gif files are self-contained animations from a fixed viewpoint. Viewing the .scad files with the open-source Open SCAD software available at allows viewing these robot animations from different viewpoints. After opening a file and zooming and choosing a viewpoint, select View followed by Animate from the menu. In the data-entry boxes below the main robot plot, enter values of Time (enter 0 for the start), FPS: (enter 10 for 10 frames per second) and Steps: (the optimal numbers of steps are 103 for RobotIsolatedOverheadWrist.scad, 110 for RobotCoincidentOverheadWrist.scad and 84 for RobotNearExtendedWrist.scad)