The data of HEXACO personality traits and job search outcomes

Published: 10 March 2022| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/p9hwfmfcz5.3
Le Tung


This data explores the relationship between HEXACO personality traits and job search outcomes through network size, tie strength, and job search networking behavior. The data was collected from three universities in North Vietnam. At Time 1, 850 of 982 respondents participated in the questionnaire; at Time 2, 773 of these students responded to the second questionnaire. As a result, we obtained 773 complete responses, a response rate of 91%. The mean age of participants was 23.22 years (SD = 0.523). There was only 3.6% of married respondents. The percentage of respondents in study areas consisted of 28% of engineering, 26% of accounting, 23% of business administration, 18% of finance, and 5% of other areas


Steps to reproduce

The present research data examined the hypothesized model through two steps mentioned with the implementation of AMOS 22. First, we tested the reliability (CR - composite reliability and α – Cronbach's alpha) and the construct validity (including convergent and discriminant) of all the study items. Second, structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied to examine the fit and path coefficients, and bootstrapping was employed to test the mediation effect.


Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences


Psychology, Education, Employment, Vocational Education
