Microservice-based model-driven architecture for implementing modeling and model transformation as a service (Appendices)

Published: 3 June 2024| Version 5 | DOI: 10.17632/p9wtnmcj7j.5
Adel Vahdati,


This document contains appendices for the paper titled “Microservice-based model-driven architecture for implementing modeling and model transformation as a service”. The structure of the document is as follows: Appendix 1 describes the design of the experiment, its stages, and the steps of each stage. Appendix 2 presents the problem analysis that should be described based on CRAC metamodel using MDDPlatform in the experiment. Appendix 3 introduces MDDPlatform and its features and capabilities. Appendix 4 describes the proposed model-driven development and code generation processes for use in the experiment. Appendix 5 introduces a set of metamodels presented at different levels of abstraction and used to describe the problem from various perspectives. Appendix 6 introduces transformation patterns provided by the MDDPlatform services and explains their structure. Appendix 7 presents the results of experiment. Appendix 8 introduces MDDPlatform Docker images. In Appendix 9, we develop a part of the online ordering system in the form of an example using our proposed method. In Appendix 10, we examine the relevant criteria for evaluating MDE solutions by conducting a survey.



Sharif University of Technology


Metamodeling, Model-Driven Engineering, Microservice
