Published: 16 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/p9y27y66jb.1
Fardin Afdideh,


This Data describes a framework known as MI-EEG-BCI-VR, integrating Motor Imagery (MI) and electroencephalography (EEG)-based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technologies, enabling users to navigate Virtual Environments (VEs) by imagining movements. The subject-specific feature extraction approach was employed. To enhance user-friendliness and facilitate easy interaction, this Data contains interactive MATLAB-based Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for data acquisition, processing, visualization, and running tasks.


Steps to reproduce

1. Open two MATLAB sessions, one for the BCI workstation and the other for the VR workstation. 2. Set the MATLAB current directory to the root directory containing the toolbox. 3. Execute the "m-files" in the root directory prefixed with "BCI" and "VR" in their respective workstations. 4. To test the toolbox without a real EEG recording device, activate the simulated EEG streaming scenario using the "isRealEEG" flag in the root directory's m-files (the default mode is the simulated scenario). 5. For real EEG streaming, integrate the related Software Development Kit (SDK) code for the EEG recording device into designated locations marked with a warning dialogue box. 6. Cue-Based Training without Feedback: - Run "BCI_trainingWithoutFeedback.m" and "VR_trainingWithoutFeedback.m" in the BCI and VR workstations, respectively. - Click "Start". 7. EEG Analysis and Processing: - Run "BCI_featureExtraction.m" in the BCI (or VR) workstation. - Specify the paths for external toolboxes Biosig and EEGLab. 8. Cue-Based Training with Feedback: - Run "BCI_trainingWithFeedback.m" and "VR_trainingWithFeedback.m" in the BCI and VR workstations, respectively. - Click "Start". 9. Virtual House Navigation: - Run "BCI_virtualHouseNavigation.m" and "VR_virtualHouseNavigation.m" in the BCI and VR workstations, respectively. - To familiarize with the virtual house, click on "VE Tour" or "Subject-Controlled VE Tour". - To start the task, select the start and end stations from "From" and "To" dropdown menus, respectively. For simulated streaming, choose "Out-Front" and "Kitchen-Front" for "From" and "To". - Click "Start".


Sharif University of Technology


Virtual Reality, Feature Extraction, Electroencephalography, Brain-Computer Interface
