Compact dataset of dendrochronological data of primary metric characteristics of tree rings of Asia.

Published: 26 November 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/p9zhpmzgtk.1
Alexander Kachaev


The International Tree Rings Data Bank (ITRDB) is the most comprehensive tree growth database ( Shoudong Zhao, et al. (2019, 2018) analyzes the representativity of dendrochronological data (ITRDB) and proposes a corrected database with error indications. One of the bottlenecks for data use (ITRDB) is that the data is loaded as a collection of separate files in the Tucson positional format. The purpose of our data presentation is to change the data format to JSON and combine the separate files into one. On the example of data for Asia, it is proposed to use the Json format of tree growth data in a single file. When converting data, the programming language R and the library of programs dplR Bunn, A. (2008) were used The experience of developing the structure of dendroclimatic data in JSON format is described in the works of Kachaev A. (2016, 2017). The following is a description of the JSON format of dendrochronological data. {"site identifier": {"cap": {<list of values>}, "rwl": {"wea": [{<value for the tree>},…, {<values for the last tree>}], "wla "[{},…, {}]," Wri ": [{},…, {}]," dma ": [{},…, {}]," dmi ": [{},…, { }], "dea": [{},…, {}], "dla": [{},…, {}], "pla": [{},…, {}]}}} <list of values> :: = "Coll": "identifier", "Scode": "tree view code", "Years": [<minimum tree year in the collection>, <maximum tree year in the collection>], " Geo ": {" Lat ": <latitude>," Long ": <longitude>," Elev ": <height (in meters), -999 no measurement>}," Comm ":" common name of the tree species " , "Locat": "site names", "Site": "site name", "Invest": "list of researchers' authors" <value for a tree> :: = "Ntree": "tree identifier", "Years"; [<tree birth year>, <measurement year>], "Series": [<first dimension>,…, <last measurements>] Further, the decoding of Tree Ring Measurement Type Codes of measurement codes in rwl-files: wea- earlywood width, dea- earlywood density, wla-latewood width, dmi-minimum density, wri-ring width, dla-latewood density, dma-maximum density, pla - latewood percent. References Bunn, A. G. (2008). A dendrochronology program library in R (dplR). Dendrochronologia, 26, 115-124. Kachaev A. V. Model for describing the structure of dendroclimatic data In the col-lection: Regional problems of remote sensing of the Earth Materials of the IV international scientific conference. Siberian Federal University, Institute of Space and Information Technologies. 2017. p. 120-122. (Russia) Kachaev A. V. NOSQL Approach for Development of Dendroclimatic Data Bank. In the collection: Regional problems of remote sensing of the Earth. Materials of the III International Scientific Conference. 2016. p. 89-91. (Russia) Shoudong Zhao, et al. (2019). The International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB) revisited: Data availability and global ecological representativity. Journal of Biogeography, 46 (2), 355-368. doi: 10.1111 / jbi.13488



Sibirskij federal'nyj universitet


Density, Dendrochronology, Tree Ring
