The D/H ratio in Titan’s acetylene from high spectral resolution IRTF/TEXES observations: TEXES spectra of Titan and 10 Hygiea

Published: 24 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pb6f6rrypb.1
Bruno Bezard,


These data are in support of Icarus paper "The D/H ratio in Titan’s acetylene from high spectral resolution IRTF/TEXES observations " by Bézard et al. The six ascii files are the spectra of Titan and Asteroid 10 Hygiea recorded in July 2017 by the TEXES instrument mounted at the NASA/IRTF in three different spectral regions: C2HD (518.33-520.04 cm-1), C2H2 (742.79-746.70 cm-1) and CH4(1243.82-1250.79 cm-1). The format of each file is: - Col. 1: Wavenumber (cm-1), not corrected for Titan/Earth motion - Col. 2: Spectral flux (Jansky) - Col. 3: Estimated noise equivalent spectral flux (Jansky) - Col. 4: Telluric transmission



Southwest Research Institute, Observatoire de Paris


Planetary Atmosphere, Planetary Astrophysics
