Organic food consumers in Mexico
35% of the data was collected via the internet through Google Forms with a filter question to consider only organic food consumers. 65% of the data was collected face-to-face in markets, tianguis, and specialty organic food shops, relying on the voluntary participation of consumers that visited the sample locations. Informed consent was obtained from all subjects interviewed involved in this study. The data contains variables from the model of goal-directed behavior, four consumer values and knowledge about the organic foods (CONO). The variables from the model of goal-directed behavior are attitude (ACTI), subjective norms (NSUB), percevied control behavior (CPCO), anticipated emotions (EAPO), frequency of past behavior (FREC), desire (DESE) and purchase intention (INTE). The consumer values are appearance consciousness (CAPA), health consciousness (CSAL), environmental awareness (PAMB), and social awareness (PSOC).