Experimental dataset on guided resonance propagation

Published: 23 August 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/pbv5cmbwg9.1
Christophe Droz, Olivier Bareille, Mohamed Ichchou


This Dataset is supplementary to the Data in Brief article [1], which contains all explanations, data description and base post-processing scripts. It describes the propagation of a 8th-order Guided Resonance in the low acoustic bandwidth (2.5-4 kHz), in a large-scale composite panel. Physical interpretations are available in the research article [2], describing the near-cut-on scattering phenomena in the low acoustic bandwidth. [1] Droz, C., Bareille, O., Ichchou, M.. Full wavefield measurement of transient wave pulses propagating in a composite panel. Data in Brief 2019 (in revision). [2] Droz, C., Bareille, O., Ichchou, M.. Generation of long-range, near-cut-on guided resonances in composite panels (2019). Journal of Applied Physics, 125(17), 175109. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5079963



Laboratoire de tribologie et dynamique des systemes


Acoustical Engineering, Waveguide, Wave Propagation, Composite Structure, Structural Health Monitoring, Wave Propagation in Complex Material
