Data from: “Change point detection of peak tibial acceleration in over-ground running retraining”
This dataset contains the time series of axial peak tibial acceleration. We recruited 10 runners with high axial peak tibial acceleration. The participants performed a gait retraining session whilst running overground at 3.2 ± 0.2 m/s in self-selected footwear. Real-time auditory biofeedback on axial peak tibial acceleration was provided. The axial peak tibial acceleration was detected before and during the biofeedback-based intervention using a backpack system connected to a very lightweight accelerometer. We refer to the full paper for details on how the data were collected and processed. Data are from an experimental protocol approved by the Ethics Committee of Ghent University (bimetra identification number 2015/0864). The present dataset has been used to determine when runners change their level of peak tibial acceleration during over-ground running using an auditory biofeedback system. The folder 'Change-Point" contains the .cpa-files to be opened in the Change-Point Analyzer v2.3 software. The values of axial peak tibial acceleration are also stored in an Excel-compatible file 'change point analysis_data' . The spreadsheet comprising of 10 columns. Each column represents a participant. A column contains the values of axial peak tibial acceleration of the no-biofeedback condition (1.5 min. of baseline), followed by the biofeedback condition (2x10 min.). The total number of trials detected per participant equals 1853 ± 88 (mean ± SD).