Dataset on the life cycle carbon emission in Kenyan, Rwandan, and Tanzanian grid electricity generation and transmission systems

Published: 1 December 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/pcc8vhbvwz.2


This data attempts to answer the following research questions. First, to what extent are grid electricity generation and transmission system drivers designed and operated according to environmental governance factors? Second, what would the impacts on the lifetime decarbonisation performances of the generation and transmission systems be from considering environmental governance factors? Data was collected and estimated using the developed life-cycle carbon emission inventory (LCCEI) algorithm implemented through Excel tabs (LCCEI worksheets). The data was acquired through the LCCEI modelled parameters. The compiled data can also be customised and coded to commonly used evaluation software to enhance its open use by scientists, practitioners, and policymakers at national, regional and global levels.


Steps to reproduce

Step 1: Determine the system boundary, aim, research question(s) and identify all fuel, generation technologies, and transmission technologies; develop/refine parameters and algorithms, scenarios, key assumptions, and establish functional unit while converting power systems and life cycle carbon emission data into a common unit (kg/MW typically)- Refer to the research manuscript number 127830 published in the journal of cleaner production Step 2: Collect and/calculate grid electricity generations/consumptions data (for each fuel type for each end-use), transmission systems loss data (for each studied grid), and their respective life cycle carbon emission factor data, - Refer to the data file worksheets B-C, and Step 3: Calculate/estimate the parametric values ( N2049, A2049, NR,2049, SA,2049, RC,2049, RR,2049, SP,2019, Qm,2049, EFo,2019, and EFm,2049) and develop new case-specific LCCE data- Refer the data file worksheets D and E


University of Rwanda - Kigali Campus


Energy Application
